Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ballet slipper pink pair of night stands

I have started these cute little nightstands. I acquired them at different spots and months apart but almost a perfect match. They are getting painted in my homemade chalk paint after mixing 3 different shades of pink to get the pale color I was dreaming of. So here is tonight's phase 1. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Little wood trunk

I love wood boxes,trunks, tool boxes. I just can't help myself. This little guy started out an army green. I primed him and then painted him in kitchen scale ever so lightly and watched the magic happen. He started to flake on the top where some oil bled through from his former life. I then gently sanded,waxed and buffed him. I'm in love. He is for sale for 35.00. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014


My newest diamond in the rough. She was one piece but upon attempting to get her up the basement stairs she got stuck at the top. She was pinned good. They thought they were gonna sledge hammer her.  No way! They ended up sawing her in two while she was stuck. Needless to say she came out pretty butchered but I still love her. My handy hunky worked on her and got her as straight as possible. She is still getting more work but here she is in her before state.